Archive for 2019

5 Holiday Treats That Are Bad For Your Teeth

Holiday Foods That Are Bad For Your Teeth We all know that too much of a good thing can actually be a bad thing, especially when we’re non-stop noshing on those tasty confectionery treats of the Holiday season. In addition to expanding our waistlines, there are a bunch of Holiday foods that are bad for […]

When Is National Flossing Day?

National Flossing Day “I wrote a song about dental floss but did anyone’s teeth get cleaner?” – Frank Zappa Dental floss really gets a bad wrap. Despite it being part of our recommended daily dental hygiene regimen, and as a result, one of the best things we can do to prevent the cavity creeps, do […]

The Great American Smokeout®

Want to Quit Smoking? Start With Day One   Do you or someone you know want to quit smoking? The Great American Smokeout® occurs annually on the third Thursday of November. It’s the perfect opportunity to join thousands of people across the country who are either quitting or helping someone quit smoking cigarettes – or […]

9 Health Problems Your Dentist Can Spot

Check out these overall health issues your dentist can help identify just by looking in your mouth…and at your gums.   What Do Your Gums Say About You? A healthy body starts with your mouth. A healthy mouth starts with healthy gums. “They are like the foundation of a house: If you have any damage […]

Celebrate A Healthy Smile on National Brush Day

National Brush Day 2019 It’s no coincidence that National Brush Day is observed annually on November 1st, the day after Halloween, which traditionally is the single most significant day of candy consumption in the United States. National Brush Day is part of the Kids’ Healthy Mouths campaign, a national initiative launched by The Partnership for […]

#DoTheSwish for National Dental Hygiene Month 2019

October Is National Dental Hygiene Month Before we get into the worst Halloween candies known to man, let us ask you a question. It was probably the last time you brushed, flossed, or rinsed with mouthwash. And if we asked you when the last time was that you thought about your dental hygienist, you’d probably […]

7 Reasons To Smile On World Smile Day®

World Smile Day® is The First Friday In October World Smile Day has been around since 1999, when creator – Harvey Ball – declared the first Friday in October officially, World Smile Day®. You may or may not recognize Mr. Harvey Ball as the world-famous commercial artist who first created the smiley face in 1963. […]

Dental Implant FAQs: 7 Answers to Questions People Ask Most

Dental Implant FAQs Dental implants are widely considered the healthiest solution to replace one or more missing teeth. When you’re missing a tooth – even just one – the remaining teeth adjacent to the space left by the missing tooth will begin to move into that empty space. That’s not healthy. The healthiest way to replace […]

6 Reasons to Smile About Dental Implants

Dental Implant Awareness Month: What’s Your Reason to Smile? This year’s theme of Dental Implant Awareness Month is, “What’s your reason to smile?” The mission of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry aims to empower individuals considering dental implants through education and celebrate those who are already living a life full of smiles with their […]

Dental Implant Awareness Month: What’s Your Reason to Smile?

September Is Dental Implant Awareness Month Dental Implant Awareness Month is brought to us by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID), “Dental implants can inspire newfound life and confidence. When you see the look and smile on someone’s face, it’s truly incredible.” – AAID President, Natalie Wong, DDS, FAAID, DABOI/ID. To celebrate Dental Implant […]