Posts Tagged ‘ periodontal disease ’

Can Gum Disease Affect Your Love Life?

A Healthy Love Life Starts With Healthy Gums Did you know that 3 out of 4 of us have some form of gum disease? If left untreated, gum disease can lead to not only oral health problems like gum recession, tooth decay, tooth loss, and eventually bone loss, it can also lead to serious issues […]

How Are Diabetes & Dental Health Connected?

Are Diabetes & Dental Health Connected? “Both gum disease and diabetes are chronic diseases, and they both make each other worse.” November is American Diabetes Month Diabetes is a chronic disease which affects our body’s ability to process sugar. The resulting high blood sugar can cause problems with your eyes, nerves, kidneys, heart and other […]

Dentists Can Help Diagnose Diabetes

Dentists Can Diagnose Diabetes? Dentists diagnose & treat a myriad of oral health maladies, but bet you didn’t think your dentist could diagnose diabetes – or at least help to do so. As if we need another reason to keep up our normal thrice yearly dental visits, here comes recent news out of Columbia University […]

2 More Dental Health Myths to Dispel

In our first installment exploring some of the most common dental health myths, we examined how tooth pain and dental x-rays are two myths to be busted. Part two of this series identifies a couple more myths we need to dispel, much to the detriment of our dental health. Dental Health Myth #3: Bleeding Gums […]

Could Red Wine Help Prevent Cavities?

Red Wine Helps Prevent Cavities? According to this article by the American Chemical Society, a new study has found that red wine, as well as grape seed extract, could potentially help prevent cavities. Surely any food or drink that can help prevent cavities is good for our teeth right? It seems both red wine and […]

3 Super Simple Smile Maintenance Tips for National Dental Hygiene Month

A Little Smile Maintenance Goes a Long Way Maintaining a healthy smile is easy, and can even save you money at the dentist. All it takes is some super simple – but consistent – dental hygiene habits to keep your kisser in tip top shape. A diligent daily dental hygiene regimen along with some preventative dentistry is […]

3 Reasons Why Straight Teeth Are Healthy Teeth

Wayne NJ Invisalign Dentist Shares Why Straight Teeth Are Healthier Teeth Having straight teeth isn’t just for looks, having properly aligned teeth is a major factor in maintaining both optimal oral health – and overall health. According to the American Dental Association, straightening your teeth can actually significantly affect your overall dental health. Lots of […]

Gum Disease: The Infection Connection Between Oral & Overall Health

Wayne NJ Dental Health: Gum Disease & the Infection Connection Gum disease is more common than you may think, it has been reported that 3 out of every 4 Americans have signs of mild periodontal disease or gingivitis. There is a lot of recent research in the area of gum disease, with particular concentration on […]