Posts Tagged ‘ gum disease ’

Can Gum Disease Affect Your Love Life?

A Healthy Love Life Starts With Healthy Gums Did you know that 3 out of 4 of us have some form of gum disease? If left untreated, gum disease can lead to not only oral health problems like gum recession, tooth decay, tooth loss, and eventually bone loss, it can also lead to serious issues […]

9 Health Problems Your Dentist Can Spot

Check out these overall health issues your dentist can help identify just by looking in your mouth…and at your gums.   What Do Your Gums Say About You? A healthy body starts with your mouth. A healthy mouth starts with healthy gums. “They are like the foundation of a house: If you have any damage […]

What Are The Warning Signs of Gum Disease?

Gum Disease & Overall Health Are you walking around with gum disease and don’t even know it? The warning signs of gum disease often go unnoticed until the advanced stages, this is why millions of people don’t know they have this serious infection that can lead to tooth loss if not treated. Gum disease, also […]

February Is National Gum Disease Awareness Month

February Is Gum Disease Awareness Month February is all about the gums! In addition to February being National Children’s Dental Health Month, National Weddings Month, Pet Dental Health Month, National Heart Month, National Embroidery Month…and a few dozen or so more commemorative causes. Let us not forget about Valentine’s Day either, it’s no wonder why […]

Can You Still Get Gum Disease With Dental Implants?

Dental Implants Are The Healthiest Solution for Missing Teeth Dental implants are the best – meaning healthiest – tooth replacement option. This isn’t only because dental implants help restore the appearance of your smile, it’s primarily because they improve the natural function of your teeth and prevent bone loss. That’s the big one, bone loss. […]

3 Types of Fish To Eat for A Healthy Smile

Eating Fish Is Good For Your Teeth & Gums Nothing can replace good ‘ol fashioned brushing & flossing for a healthy mouth, and nobody can take the place of your dentist for helping you fend off the cavity creeps. But did you know that eating fish can promote optimal oral health? In one study people with a […]

4 Ways Seeing Your Dentist Saves You Money

Going to the Dentist Can Save You Money? Your dentist can help you save money, but first, you have to actually schedule – and keep – your appointments. The American Dental Association recommends visiting your dentist at least once every six months. Depending on the condition of your teeth & gums, existing health issues, habits, […]

How Are Diabetes & Dental Health Connected?

Are Diabetes & Dental Health Connected? “Both gum disease and diabetes are chronic diseases, and they both make each other worse.” November is American Diabetes Month Diabetes is a chronic disease which affects our body’s ability to process sugar. The resulting high blood sugar can cause problems with your eyes, nerves, kidneys, heart and other […]

Dentists Can Help Diagnose Diabetes

Dentists Can Diagnose Diabetes? Dentists diagnose & treat a myriad of oral health maladies, but bet you didn’t think your dentist could diagnose diabetes – or at least help to do so. As if we need another reason to keep up our normal thrice yearly dental visits, here comes recent news out of Columbia University […]

2 More Dental Health Myths to Dispel

In our first installment exploring some of the most common dental health myths, we examined how tooth pain and dental x-rays are two myths to be busted. Part two of this series identifies a couple more myths we need to dispel, much to the detriment of our dental health. Dental Health Myth #3: Bleeding Gums […]